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LOG Lyrics4U - 6/2/20

• LOG #26 theme song

Light of the World, You stepped down into darkness, opened my eyes, let me see

• Sing or go listen to Here I Am to Worship as performed by Chris Tomlin

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

• John 1:5

It’s been eighty days since Friday the 13th (of March) when we had to postpone LOG #105 and #106. Eighty days. Some were cloudy, some were sunny – but all of them have had an element of darkness for me. And not just because of COVID 19. There is so much division in our world – and such of lack of respect and compassion and common decency. I’m disappointed that we still don’t know if we can reschedule the LOG weekends but I am more disappointed and saddened by the way people are more concerned about their liberties than their neighbors.

Sometimes, the darkness is overwhelming. Always, I need to remember to look to the Light and not at the darkness.

Pray with thanksgiving that there isn’t enough darkness in all of the world to extinguish the light of one small candle.


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