• LOG #73 theme song
I try to find the words to pray. I don't always know what to say.
But You're the one that can hear my heart.
• Sing or go listen to Broken Hallelujah as performed by The Afters
Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to
pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words.
• Romans 8:26
Again and again, I hear people say that what they took away from LOG
is that they can pray anytime, anywhere and with whatever words they have.
Most of us have heard eloquently crafted prayers – beautiful words for sure.
But most of us have also had times when we just didn’t know what to pray
or how to put into words what was on our hearts and minds.
What a blessing to know that doesn’t matter to God –
That the Holy Spirit who is in us takes all that we are to God – even when we just can’t.
Pray by being silent before God and listening.