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LOG Lyrics4U - 5/24/20

• LOG #51 theme song

‘Cause we could never get back home with broken hearts So Home has come to meet us where we are • Sing or go listen to Sing as performed by Josh Wilson

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory,

glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

• John 1:14

Were you ever made to stand in the corner because of something you’d done?

Or sit on the stairs or on your bed - alone with your sin?

Then did someone come and look you in the eye with love or give you a hug?

We can never be right with God on our own.

We’d have to stand in the corner for the rest of our life.

Except Jesus came to us – to our world – full of grace and truth.

And we are welcomed home.

Pray with thanksgiving for God’s grace and forgiveness.


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