How can I respond to the love that You have lavished on me?
• Sing or go listen to: I Don’t Have Much as performed by Mission House
- song suggested by Halle McMillan
For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.
• John 3:16
Those of you who have served on a LOG team anytime since 2009 probably know how I would answer the question, "How can I respond to the love that you have lavished on me?" Just commit to striving to live a life that is pleasing to God.
And most of you know that although I have some ideas of what that life might look like, I always say that each of us has to decide for our self what that means.
The song answers the question by saying: I don’t have much but I have a heart that beats for You - - and later I don’t have much but I have a life I'll give to You. The point seems to be that we respond to God’s love by loving God back and desiring to please him with our life.
How are you doing with this? Not just on Sunday mornings or during the 8-10 weeks of the team process? Luckily, God doesn’t just love us now and then. We may not have much, but we’ve got plenty to give to God if we want to.
Pray and recommit yourself to loving and serving God in whatever way you feel called.